Tom Palmer

director     writer 


Thirty five years directing in professional, academic,
community, industrial and radio theatre.

Twelve years as a director, writer and producer of video, film,
and multi-media for business, industry and government.

Manager of The Coca-Cola Company worldwide internal television network.

MFA - Directing: School of Theatre, Florida State University - 3.9 GPA

Hello & Welcome

ON DIRECTING :   How I approach and analyze a script, working with actors, collaboration with designers,
                            technicians & stage management, the theatre as a visual medium.

             STAGE :   A listing of my theatrical directing credits and each producing theatre.

   CORPORATE:   Summarizes more than 12 years in Business Communications where I wrote, produced and directed 
                            over 100 films, videos, slide shows and multi-media productions for clients up and down the east
                            coast, and over a decade of work for The Coca-Cola Company at their International Headquarters in
                            Atlanta, Georgia.

             RADIO:   Touches on the three years I co-wrote, produced and directed a radio comedy/music program which
                           aired on the local NPR affiliate in Richmond, Virginia -- as well as five years producing an in-house
                           radio program for a Richmond-based Fortune 500 company. 

 and CONTACT are self-explanatory. 

Tom Palmer

This Website was created to provide details behind my summary resumé -- a more in-depth look at how I've spent the past 30+ years scurrying about countless rehearsal halls, drinking far too much coffee in recording studio control rooms, peering through the camera lens at too many on-location shoots to remember. It's written in a narrative, rather than bulletpoint style in the hope of providing you with a bit of insight into how I think and work.The Site is broken into various topics relating to my career history. It's best navigated using the buttons to the left.

Tom Palmer