director     writer 


Tom Palmer

Tom Palmer


Early in my stage career I began doing freelance media production work for a local business writer: an independent contractor specialized in film, video and multi-media for use in public relations, fund raising, employee motivation, orientation & training, and sales information.  The working chemistry between us was excellent and I very quickly began handling all  his directing and production management needs: Casting on-camera and voice-over talent, production logistics planning, directing location video/film shoots, supervising recording and editing sessions, assembling the final client cut et al.  Within two years,  this working relationship evolved into a full Partnership, trading as Creative House Productions. CHP built a client base that included Fortune and Service 500 firms and major corporations located in the Central Virginia and Washington D.C. areas.  With a staff of 5, CHP handled roughly $.75mm in gross sales our first fiscal year, increasing sales by roughly 20% each subsequent year.

After seven years together, my Partner and I chose to go our separate ways;  I became sole proprietor of Creative House Productions, then sold the firm to Graphic Media, Inc., a publically traded business communications and graphics production firm based in New Jersey,  with operating divisions in eleven states.  For the next three years I managed their new Richmond Division as Vice President and Creative Director.  Our product mix was expanded to include sophisticated computer graphics created on two Genegraphics midi-computer consoles and related high resolution camera.  Our offices also included a full recording studio, optical special effects lab,  internal film processing, a state of the art multi-media computer programing suite and private screening facilites.  We employed 15 people at peak seasons, with gross sales in excess of $2.8mm.  I remained with Graphic Media Inc. for three years, at the end of which time I began my graduate directing studies at The Florida State University School of Theatre.

Throughout my years with Creative House Productions and Graphic Media, Inc., I wrote, produced and directed well over 100 industrial films, videos and multi-media presentations.

Allied Corporation
Bank of Virginia
Bell South Telephone
Best Products Co., Inc.
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Va
Christian Children's Fund
Richmond Chamber of Commerce
Corporation for Public Broadcasting

CSX Corporation
Eskimo Pie Corporation
Ethyl Corporation
Industrial Training Associates
Kay Jewlers
National Air and Space Museum
Phillip Morris USA
Reynolds Aluminum

Richmond Science Museum
Signet Bank
State of Virginia
The Martin Agency
United Virginia Bank
Virginia Ballet
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Virginia Power

A Partial List of Clients Served

Business Communications
Creative House Productions & Graphic Media Inc.

The Coca-Cola Company

I began working for The Coca-Cola Company in the 90's -- first as an independent contractor, then as a full-time Associate.  Over the years I functioned as a writer and trainer, system analyst, program designer, and project manager.  In 2006 I was named Manager of Coca-Cola's Internal Television Network, responsible for delivering Video-On-Demand (VOD) to more than 25,000 employees in over 150 countries.

In this position I was responsible for coordinating the goals and activities of three major internal stakeholders:  Corporate Communications -- charged with determining and prioritizing content, Creative Services -- responsible for producing most content, and IT -- which built and maintained the technical facilities required for content delivery.  Much of my time was spent understanding and balancing the often conflicting interests of these three very diverse stakeholder groups, while ensuring VOD was delivered on time and on budget.

I remained in this position until sidelined by a severe woodworking accident.  The original injuries coupled with post-surgical complications required additional hospitalizations, repeated surgeries and extensive physical therapy.  A subsequent major heart attack led to  a prolonged recovery period of more than five years.
